“BEE BEE” make oil immersed floor mounting type manually operated Auto – Transformer Starter with three magnetic overload releases with time lags adjustment , under Voltage releases and with Phase loss, phase imbalance protections, suitable for 415 VAC, 3 Phase, 50 Cycles, A.C. Supply. The Auto-Transformer has tapping to give at the Motor approximately 40% or 60% or 80% of full line Voltage. Rating as per IS: 8544 (Part IV)-1979.
BEE BEE Auto Transformer Starter is an effective reduced voltage starting method, which provides solution to transient problem. It provides flexibility to allow adjustment for a range of starting current and torque requirement.
BEE BEE Auto Transformer Starter is best suited when maximum reduction of inrush current is desired OR motor requires longer acceleration time with good starting torque. BEE BEE Auto Transformer Starter is reliable, trusted & proven product across the industries